30 March 2014

Aeronautical Development Agency Recruitment 2014 _ Scientist/Engineer 'G'

#jobmej 124

About the Company:

ADA is an Autonomous Organization under the Department of Defence Research & Development, Ministry of Defence (MOD), Government of India, entrusted with the design & development of both the Air Force and Naval versions of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). LCA Programme is a prestigious National Programme with more than 100 major work centres in India contributing to this Programme and the Programme is in an advanced stage. ADA is also entrusted with the design and development of other advanced projects of Government of India. ADA provides challenging and excellent working environment. ADA has advanced and sophisticated facilities for Aircraft Design activities and provides excellent growth potential. ADA invites applications for SCIENTISTS / ENGINEERS in various disciplines of Engineering for Design, Development, Testing & Evaluation of various Systems / Sub-systems and Project Management from suitable Scientists and Technologists from Universities, Institutes of Technology, Research Institutions, Public Sector Undertakings and other non-Government bodies in India or abroad or Central (including serving officers of Defence Forces) or State Government Departments possessing the required qualifications and experience only.

Company Name :  ADA - Aeronautical Development Agency
Post :  Scientist/Engineer 'G'
No. of Posts :  01
Qualification : B.E / B. tech in Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering.
Pay Scale :   Rs.37,400 - 67,000/-
Location :   Bangalore.
Company Website : www.ada.gov.in

 Last Date :   07.04.2014


Essential: At least First class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology in Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering only from a recognized University.
Desirable: Master's degree in Engineering / Technology in the subject concerned.

Nature and area of Experience:

Essential : Minimum 15 years experience in one or more of the following areas:
(I) Systems Engineering with experience on Aircraft Configuration, Configuration design optimization.
(ii) Air intake design methodology, model testing and certification; Development of intake operating envelopes.
(iii) Wind tunnel testing – design of F&M models, test planning and data analysis for aerodynamic devices and aero data set preparation.
(iv) Aircraft performance estimation.
(v) Development of software to calculate performance parameters for ASR compliance

* ADA employees on contract only can apply in this mode.

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