List of New Mechanical Engineering Final Year & Mini Projects | Alphabetical Order | I to P
List of New Mechanical Engineering Final Year & Mini Projects | Alphabetical Order | I to P
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- In wheel motor
- Industrial temperature analyzing robot
- IR controlled roof mounted crane robot for industries
- Jigs and fixture
- Key way milling machine
- L.l.d.p. Material extruder
- Lawn mover
- Lead screw crane
- Library automation system
- Linear motor
- Load tests and many other tests on composite material (for automobile industries)
- LPG operated generation set
- LPG operated iron / laminator
- LPG operated water heater
- Lube oil cooler
- Magnetic separator
- Manually powered flywheel based battery charger
- Material handling system
- Metal / mines detector robot
- Micro hole drilling machine
- Micro holes driller
- Micro hydro electrical turbine
- Micro wave oven
- Mini milling machine
- Mini water heater
- Miniature boiler
- Mist coolant system
- Mixture separator conveyer belt
- Model demonstrating wind mill as supplementary power source for electric vehicles
- Model of tidal energy turbine
- Motorized exercise running machine
- Motorized focus light mechanism for all directions
- Motorized folding ladder for emergency rescues
- Motorized jack
- Motorized material handling pallet
- Motorized material lifting pallet for bulky goods
- Motorized sheet rolling machine
- Motorized tricycle for children
- Multipurpose cooler for economical home use
- Multipurpose dryer using solar composite collector
- Multi-purpose ground dryer (or) multi-purpose dryer and room heater
- Multipurpose magnetic locker system
- Multipurpose tool changer
- Multistory car parking system
- New type of motorized wheel chair and personal vehicle for handicapped people
- Night light system for bullock cart using self-power
- Obstacle sensing and path changing vehicle
- Operation and performance analysis of reciprocating and rotary screw compressor
- Over load indicator for machines
- Over speed indication and automated braking system for four wheelers
- Over speed indicator and automatic accident avoiding system for four wheeler
- Paper cup folding machine
- Paper towel dispenser
- Parallel parking vehicle
- Path finding robot
- Pc controlled winding machine
- Pc operated surveillance robot
- Pc operated versatile robotic vehicle
- PCB drilling machine
- Pedaling compressor
- Peddling pump
- Peddling washing machine
- Play ball collecting robot
- Pneumatic bumper for four wheelers
- Pneumatic comparator
- Pneumatic door opener
- Pneumatic forging machine
- Pneumatic hag saw cutter
- Pneumatic hand drilling
- Pneumatic hand grinder
- Pneumatic pick and place ROBO
- Pneumatic punch
- Pneumatic punching machine
- Potato chips making machine
- Power generation using footsteps
- Power generation using speed breaker
- Power saving slaughter machine
- Pulverize
- Pump less evaporative cooler with cellulose pads