16 October 2016

List of New Mechanical Engineering Final Year & Mini Projects | Alphabetical Order | I to P

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  1. In wheel motor 
  2. Industrial temperature analyzing robot 
  3. IR controlled roof mounted crane robot for industries 
  4. Jigs and fixture 
  5. Key way milling machine 
  6. L.l.d.p. Material extruder 
  7. Lawn mover 
  8. Lead screw crane
  9. Library automation system 
  10. Linear motor 
  11. Load tests and many other tests on composite material (for automobile industries) 
  12. LPG  operated generation set 
  13. LPG  operated iron / laminator 
  14. LPG  operated water heater 
  15. Lube oil cooler 
  16. Magnetic separator 
  17. Manually powered flywheel based battery charger 
  18. Material handling system 
  19. Metal / mines detector robot 
  20. Micro hole drilling machine 
  21. Micro holes driller 
  22. Micro hydro electrical turbine 
  23. Micro wave oven 
  24. Mini milling machine 
  25. Mini water heater 
  26. Miniature boiler 
  27. Mist coolant system 
  28. Mixture separator conveyer belt 
  29. Model demonstrating wind mill as supplementary power source for electric vehicles 
  30. Model of tidal energy turbine 
  31. Motorized exercise running machine 
  32. Motorized focus light mechanism for all directions 
  33. Motorized folding ladder for emergency rescues 
  34. Motorized jack 
  35. Motorized material handling pallet 
  36. Motorized material lifting pallet for bulky goods 
  37. Motorized sheet rolling machine 
  38. Motorized tricycle for children 
  39. Multipurpose cooler for economical home use 
  40. Multipurpose dryer using solar composite collector 
  41. Multi-purpose ground dryer (or) multi-purpose dryer and room heater 
  42. Multipurpose magnetic locker system 
  43. Multipurpose tool changer 
  44. Multistory car parking system 
  45. New type of motorized wheel chair and personal vehicle for handicapped people 
  46. Night light system for bullock cart using self-power 
  47. Obstacle sensing and path changing vehicle 
  48. Operation and performance analysis of reciprocating and rotary screw compressor
  49. Over load indicator for machines 
  50. Over speed indication and automated braking system for four wheelers 
  51. Over speed indicator and automatic accident avoiding system for four wheeler 
  52. Paper cup folding machine 
  53. Paper towel dispenser
  54. Parallel parking vehicle 
  55. Path finding robot 
  56. Pc controlled winding machine 
  57. Pc operated surveillance robot 
  58. Pc operated versatile robotic vehicle 
  59. PCB drilling machine 
  60. Pedaling compressor 
  61. Peddling pump 
  62. Peddling washing machine 
  63. Play ball collecting robot 
  64. Pneumatic bumper for four wheelers 
  65. Pneumatic comparator 
  66. Pneumatic door opener 
  67. Pneumatic forging machine
  68. Pneumatic hag saw cutter 
  69. Pneumatic hand drilling 
  70. Pneumatic hand grinder 
  71. Pneumatic pick and place ROBO 
  72. Pneumatic punch 
  73. Pneumatic punching machine 
  74. Potato chips making machine 
  75. Power generation using footsteps 
  76. Power generation using speed breaker 
  77. Power saving slaughter machine 
  78. Pulverize 
  79. Pump less evaporative cooler with cellulose pads 

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