16 April 2014

HCL hiring Mechanical and other branch FRESHERS for the post GET and experienced candidates for various other posts.

#jobmej 132

About the Company:

Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) is a listed profit making vertically integrated, multi-Unit, Schedule-A Miniratna Central Public Sector Enterprise in the field of Copper production with gross turnover of Rs.1475 Crores in 2012-13. Its activities include mining, beneficiation, smelting, refining and production of finished Copper products at Units located in picturesque surroundings in the states of Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra with the Corporate Office at Kolkata. The Units have well-developed Townships with modern facilities. The Company is on a fast track of growth and expansion. Its approach is ‘People Centric’ and provides for elaborate HR processes including well-defined policies to cater to employees’ growth and aspirations.

Company Name          :           HCL - Hindustan Copper Limited
Post                             :          Various posts.
Qualification               :            B.E mechanical / Civil/ Chemical / metallurgy / Elecrical / MBA etc.
No. of vacancy            :           60
Experience                  :           Fresher’s / Experienced.    
Location                      :           Kolkata.
Company website       :           www.hindustancopper.com  

Last Date to apply      :           16/05/2014

Fresher as Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) / Management Trainee (MT): 

(i) Fresher may also apply for posts in E-1 Grade in the scale of pay of Rs.16400-3%-40500 as Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) / Management Trainee (MT). They shall be considered as GET in Metallurgy, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical and Systems and as MT in Finance, Human Resource, Materials & Contracts and Marketing.

Opening & Closing Dates for Online Application:

A Link through website (www.hindustancopper.com) for online submission of application shall be open from 17/04/2014 to 16/05/2014. Thus, the closing date for online submission of application shall be 16/05/2014.

Application Fee:

A non-refundable Application Processing Fee of Rs.750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred Fifty only) shall be payable by all candidates except SC / ST / PWD / Female, who are also required to pay non-refundable Application Processing Fee Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only) for each application. The application processing fee shall be paid through Account Payee Demand Draft (DD) drawn on any Scheduled Bank in favour of Hindustan Copper Limited and payable at Kolkata with a validity period of three (03) months. No other form of remittance shall be accepted. A Demand Draft issued either on a date prior to the date of publication of advertisement or payable at a location other than Kolkata shall not be accepted. Candidates must write their Name, Acknowledgement Number and details of the Post Applied (Name of the Post, Grade and Scale of Pay) on the reverse of the DD. The DD shall be sent along with a copy of the Acknowledgement Slip by Speed / Registered Post to The Manager (HR), Hindustan Copper Ltd., Tamra Bhawan, 1, Ashutosh Chowdhury Avenue, Kolkata – 700019. The last date for receipt of DD along with Acknowledgement Slip shall be fifteen (15) days from the closing date of online submission of applications.

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