Company : OMC- Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd.
Post : Junior Engineer (Mech.)
Qualification : Diploma in Mechanical.
Pay scale : 9300 - 34800/-
No. of vacancies: 03.
Location : Odisha.
Age Limit : 32 years.
Company : OMC- Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd.
Post : Junior Engineer (Mech.)
Qualification : Diploma in Mechanical.
Pay scale : 9300 - 34800/-
No. of vacancies: 03.
Location : Odisha.
Age Limit : 32 years.
Last date : 15.04.2014
(i) Out of 9 (nine) post of Asst. Teacher (TG) 01(one) post each shall be filled up by candidates with B.Sc. (PCM), B.Sc.(CBZ) & B..Ed. qualification & 4 posts by candidates with English Hons. In +3 level with English as one of the method of teaching in the B.Ed. examination.(ii) Besides Basic Pay & Grade Pay, the selected candidates will get other benefits like Dearness Allowance, Conveyance Expenses, Corporation quarters for accommodation or in lieu of that House Rent Allowance, LTC, Medical Facilities for self & dependent family members, Liveries, Washing Allowance, Scholarship for meritorious students etc. as per Rules of the Corporation.
(iii) The number of vacancies shown above are indicative in nature and may either increase or decrease at the discretion of Management.
(iv) Candidates belonging to PWD/Sportsmen/ Ex-Servicemen shall be considered as per State Govt. norms.
(v) The appointment of JE (Civil) shall be subject to result of WP (C) No. 26817/2013 & further orders of Hon’ble High Court in W.P. (C) No. 1290/2014.
(vi) Departmental candidates (Regular/Contractual) fulfilling the eligibility criteria can apply for the respective posts.
(ii) Scope for promotion: As per R&P Rules for Non-Executives-2012 of OMC (visit OMC website www.orissamining.com).
(iii) Candidates after recruitment can be posted in any establishment of OMC within Odisha.
How to apply:
• Application Form at Annexure-I shall be downloaded from our website: www.orissamining.com & to be filled-up by the candidate in English after carefully reading the eligibility criteria prescribed for each post.
• •The applicant should affix recent color passport size photograph at top right side of the application form.
• •The applicant should furnish attested copy of mark sheets & certificates of HSC examination & onwards along with certificates towards age, caste, experience, etc.
• The Candidates already employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Central PSU/State PSU shall submit their application through proper channel or shall produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ issued by their present employer at the time of Personal Interview.
• Applications without supporting documents/incomplete/not full-filling the prescribed criteria in any respect shall be rejected.
Selection methodology:
• Eligible candidates will be short listed on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination specified against each post. However all the departmental candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be short listed.
• Selection will be made on the basis of Personal Interview of short-listed candidates.
• Filling-up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the Management based on suitability of candidates & no claim will arise for appointment, if vacancies are not filled due to un-suitability/in sufficient number of candidate.
• •The candidature of the applicant would be provisional & subject to subsequent verification of certificates/testimonials.
General conditions:
• SC/ST/PWD Candidates called for interview will be allowed to reimburse (to & fro) journey expenses as per State Govt. norms.
• Candidates are requested to visit Corporation website www.orissamining.com at regular intervals for any notification, news, updates, results etc. relating to recruitment.
• The decision of OMC Management will be final & binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, selection of candidate, cancellation of the recruitment process, etc. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
• At any stage of recruitment process if it is found that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information then the candidature /appointment of the candidate is liable to be cancelled.
• Canvassing in any form will be viewed adversely & may lead to disqualification.
• Finally selected candidates shall have to produce the required documents as per Clause- 7.10 of OMC R&P Rules for Non-Executives- 2012 (visit Corporation website www.orissamining.com)
• Any dispute arising in this connection will be subject to jurisdiction of appropriate courts of Odisha.