A unilateral tolerance is tolerance in which variation is permitted only in one direction from the specified direction. e.g. 1000 +0.000/-0.070.
Bilateral tolerance is tolerance in which variation is permitted in both direction from the specified direction. e.g. 1000 +0.070/-0.070.
Q: What is hot working and cold working temperature?
Ans.: Cold working temperature is bellow recrystallization temperature. And cold working temperature is above recrystallization temperature.
Q: What is the rake angle?
Ans.: Rake angle is the angle between the face of the cutting tool (Rake face) and the normal to the cutting direction.
Q: State the difference between Unilateral and Bilateral Tolerance?
A unilateral tolerance is tolerance in which variation is permitted only in one direction from the specified direction. e.g. 1000 +0.000/-0.070.
Bilateral tolerance is tolerance in which variation is permitted in both direction from the specified direction. e.g. 1000 +0.070/-0.070.
Q: What is hot working and cold working temperature?
Ans.: Cold working temperature is bellow recrystallization temperature. And cold working temperature is above recrystallization temperature.
Q: What is the rake angle?
Ans.: Rake angle is the angle between the face of the cutting tool (Rake face) and the normal to the cutting direction.

Q.: What is the alloy of tin and lead?
Ans.: Tin and lead alloy is commonly called solder. Usually solder is a wire with a rosin core used for soldering. The rosin core acts as a flux.
Q: Which is the hardest compound known?
Ans.: Diamond.
Q: What is Merchant Force Circle?
Ans.: All the forces that are acting on chip while machining can be represented with the help of a circle. This Circle is known as Merchant’s force circle.
Q: What is Chip thick ness ratio?
Ans.: The ratio of uncut chip thickness to the chip thickness is known as chip thickness ratio.
Q: How internal gears can be cut?
Ans.: Internal gears can be made by shaping with the pinion cutter.
Q: Why relief angles are provided?
Ans.: In order to prevent tool from rubbing the work relief angles on tools are provided.
Q: What is ductile-brittle transition temperature?
Ans.: It is the temperature below which the tendency of a material to fracture increases rather than forming. Below this temperature the material loses its ductility. It is also called Nil Ductility Temperature.