#jobmej 122

Company Name : National Institute Of Technology, Mizoram
Post : Trainee Teachers (TT)
No. of Posts : 10
Qualification : B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering 2013 | 2014 Passed out.
Experience : Fresher’s.

Company Name : National Institute Of Technology, Mizoram
Post : Trainee Teachers (TT)
No. of Posts : 10
Qualification : B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering 2013 | 2014 Passed out.
Experience : Fresher’s.
Last Date for Receipt of Online Applications: 30.04.2014
Applications are invited from the fresh bright B. Tech students from the current (2014 Pass out) or one year prior to the current academic year (2013 Pass out) belonging to all categories (GEN/OBC/SC/ST/PWD) in appropriate branches to be appointed as “TRAINEE TEACHERS (TT)” on contractual basis. Initially, all selected candidates would assist in teaching. They will also undergo part-time higher studies in Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to acquire higher academic qualifications, which is a pre-requisite for faculty position at NIT Mizoram. TTs will be regularized after obtaining M.Tech & Ph.D. degrees from one of the IITs. Complete details of the scheme are given in the Institute website (www.nitmz.ac.in).
The scheme is open to the best engineering graduates from Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering (or Electrical and Electronics Engineering)/ Civil Engineering/ Computer Science and Engineering/ Electronics Engineering (or Electronics and Communication Engineering) departments who are in top 15% in the centrally Funded Technical Institutes (like IIT, NIT, IIIT, etc.). All other candidates who are in top 15% rank from AICTE/ UGC approved Institutions / Universities (Non- CFTIs) and having a valid GATE score are also eligible to apply.
Short listed candidate will have to give choice of maximum two IITs, to complete M.Tech and Ph. D. They will have to approach one of the IIT (in consultation with NIT, Mizoram) to get selected for M. Tech and Ph. D. program. One of the IIT will evaluate candidate & assess their potential for teaching & performing M. Tech & Ph. D. Only after selection by IIT for M. Tech. and Ph. D. program, candidate will be offered Trainee Teacher Scheme.
Total number of posts available (All the branches): 10 (Ten).
Duration and Salary:
(i) The Trainee Teachers will mainly help the Institute for laboratory and tutorial classes, research and progressively play bigger role in academics and research.
(ii) The status of Trainee Teachers will be like Contractual Employees with annually increasing consolidated salary on an equivalent scale (compensation higher than a regular Ph. D. fellow but lower than an Assistant Professor) with regular leave, medical facilities, transport allowance, accommodation/ HRA as applicable, etc. In addition, all the fees and some professional expenses towards the M. Tech and Ph. D. programme will be reimbursed through this scheme. A part of the salary (20 % of consolidated salary) will be retained by the Institute, placed in Recurring Deposit (RD)
and this would be returnable to the trainee in a phased manner, only after successful completion of Ph.
(iii) It is necessary for the Trainee Teachers to complete M. Tech and Ph. D. within 5-8 years. If a
candidate fails to complete his Ph. D. within eight years, his/ her candidature to be in this scheme will
be discontinued. The trainee teacher also can opt out of the scheme by giving sufficient notice to the
administration and it should be effective only after completing academic requirements towards the
end of current semester. In such a case the amount kept in RD will be forfeited.
Instructions to the Candidates:
(i) The application form may be downloaded from www.nitmz.ac.in
(ii) The hard copy of application along with necessary documents is to be submitted in the address
“Director, National Institute of Technology Mizoram, Chaltlang (Dawrkawn), Aizawl, Mizoram-
796012”. The last date for receiving the applications is 30/04/2014. Any application received after
5:00 PM on 30/04/2014 shall not be considered. Institute will not be responsible for any
postal/otherwise delay.
(iii) The envelope should be superscibed “Application form for the post of Trainee Teachers in
the department of …………….” .
(iv) Secondary, Higher Secondary and B. Tech semester-wise mark sheets, other
achievements, etc., documentary proof in the form of self-attested photo-copies is to be attached with
the application. The rank certificate of the candidate must be obtained from Head of the
Institute/Controller of Examination (in case of Universities) and the self attested copy of the same is to be
attached with the application. The original rank certificate will have to be produced at the time of
interview, if called.
(v) All original certificates must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining, if
(vi) Additional sheets may be attached, in the same format, wherever the space allocated is felt to be
(vii) Consistently good academic background is essential for all applicants which includes secondary
(class 10), higher secondary (10+2) and B. Tech degree in appropriate discipline.
(viii) Incomplete applications / applications without necessary enclosures will be summarily
(ix) Copy of the SC / ST / OBC certificate issued by the competent authority, not below the rank of a
Tahsildar must be attached. In case of OBC candidates, the certificate indicating the status regarding
non-creamy layer should not be older than six months from the last date of application. If such certificates are not attached they will be considered for general (open) category.
(x)Reservation to PWD will be given as per the Government of India norms. For this purpose certificate issued by the competent authority as per Government of India norms must be submitted along with the applications.
(xi) The eligibility for the posts notified shall be governed by the guidelines issued by MHRD from time to time and shall be applicable for this advertisement as well.
(xii) The Qualification will be considered as on the last date for receipt of applications. However, the candidates appearing in B.Tech VIIIth semester examination (in the year 2014) can also apply under this scheme if they are coming under the top 15% of the students by considering their marks/grades up to VIIth semester (self attested copy of rank certificate should be enclosed). They have to furnish the details up to VII semester examination in the application form.
(xiii) Any misleading or wrong information supplied may lead to summarily rejection of application / appointment, if found subsequently/even at a later stage.
(xiv) An application in prescribed form with complete information and attachments will only be entertained for further processing.
(xv) Mere fulfillment of minimum qualification for the post does not entitle the candidate to be called for an interview. A short listing criterion may be set higher than the minimum advertised. Criteria for short-listing may vary from department to department (However, it must be within top 15% rank). The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for test or interview.
(xvi) No interim queries about interview / selection process will be entertained. All information shall be posted on the Institute website www.nitmz.ac.in. Candidates are also advised to give their valid mobile No. and email ID.
(xvii) Canvassing in any form will lead to rejection of application form.
(xviii) Decision of the Selection Committee and the Board of Governors of NIT Mizoram with respect to the selection process is final.
(xix) Legal disputes, if any with National Institute of Technology, Mizoram are restricted to the jurisdiction of Aizawl (Mizoram) Court only.
(xx) Selected candidates will be eligible to be inducted in the Trainee Teacher Scheme from the academic session 2014-15.
(xxi) The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final.