Company Name : ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation
Post : Scientist/Engineer 'SC' | Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)
No. of Posts : 01.
Qualification : BE/B. Tech or equivalent in Aerospace/Mechanical and
ME/M. Tech or equivalent in Aerospace
Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100/-
Age limit : 35 years
Last Date : 20.04.2014.
About ISRO :
The Indian Space Programme is aimed at promoting the development and application of Space Science and Technology for the socio-economic benefit of the country and also providing valuable service to the Nation in a self-reliant manner and witnessed several major accomplishments and scaled newer heights in the recent past. The remarkable success in the Space Programme was the result of well-orchestrated activities undertaken by ISRO aimed at mastering cutting edge technology through indigenous efforts and utilizing the expertise available with the Organization. The future ISRO programmes envisage development of cutting edge technologies for reusable launch vehicles, advanced high efficient semi-cryogenic propulsion system, air breathing propulsion, advanced communication satellite-based navigation system, hyper spectral imaging sensors and inter-planetary missions. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) is the lead centre of DOS/ISRO for the Satellite Technology in the Country and has grown into a premier centre for research and development with the primary responsibility for developing Satellite Technology and implementation of satellite Systems for various Scientific, Technological and Application missions.
ME/M.Tech or equivalent Degree should be in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 60% marks of all Semesters or 6.5 CGPA on a 10 point scale or equivalent with the pre-eligibility qualification of BE/B.Tech/B.Sc (Engg.) or equivalent should also be in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks of all Semesters or CGPA of 6.5 on a 10 point scale.
MSc or equivalent Degree should be in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks of all Semesters or 6.5 CGPA on a 10 point scale.
Age Limit:
For Scientist/Engineer 'SC' : 35 years as on 20.04.2014.
For Junior Research Fellows : 18-30 years as on 20.04.2014 (35 Years for SC/ST and 33 Years for OBC).
[Ex-Servicemen and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) are eligible for age relaxation as per Government of India orders. PWDs, orders on reservation to the extent applicable will be extended.
Pay and Allowances for the post of Scientist/Engineer 'SC':
The gross emoluments at the minimum of the Pay Band for the post of Scientist/Engineer 'SC' will at present be Rs. 39,900/-. In addition, the employees are also eligible for House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, etc. The employees will be governed by the New Defined Contribution Pension Scheme. ISRO provides free transport (or in lieu Transport Allowance), limited housing facility (or in lieu House Rent Allowance), advances for purchase of conveyance, construction of house, etc., Leave Travel Concession, Group Insurance, etc., and extends subsidized canteen facilities. ISRO also provides attractive medical benefits to its employees.
Fellowship & Stipend for JRFs:
The Fellowship will be initially for TWO YEARS. ISAC will review the performance after two years and decide whether the Fellowship should be continued for the third year. Similarly, at the end of the third year also, ISAC will review for extension for another year. JRF with aptitude to pursue research in the respective areas will be encouraged to pursue Ph.D with an external university registration. Stipend will be Rs. 16000/- pm for first two years and Rs. 18000/- pm for subsequent years in respect of Post No. JRF1,JRF2 & JRF4 and Rs. 18000/- for first two years and Rs. 20000/- for subsequent years in respect of Post No. JRF3. In addition, JRFs are eligible to get HRA, free transport, subsidised canteen and attractive medical facilities.
Selection Process:
The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and possession of the same does not automatically make the candidates eligible to be called for interview. There will be an initial screening based on the academic performance and other parameters given in the on-line applications and only those screened-in will be called for interview.